How to post HIGH QUALITY picture on FACEBOOK.

Hello friends, After a long time....
So today's tutorial is about to upload a pic in high resolution on facebook.
Is It Important:-
     Yes !Of course It is very important to upload a pic in good resolution.See yourself the Difference
Now you can see the DIFFERENCE yourself.
So here is the Solution for it.
If You Are Adobe User then You can use File>Save for web Then do the following operations.
If you are common editors user then you should use THIRD party SOFTWARE:-

 This software is a FACEDESK social siting software that let you directly uploading photo on facebook.

                                                         click here

Facebook Photo Uploader:-
Easy Photo Uploader for Facebook is a software that re-sizes and uploads images to Facebook without having to log in through your browser. Because the photos are re-sized on your computer with the optimized re-sizer, you can upload pictures to Facebook faster than Facebook’s applet

                                                         Click Here

Online Free Image Uploader:-
Nothing can be simpler than uploading an image online and sharing it with friends. We just enjoy making it easier for you to share those images you want with your friends or colleagues. Be it a mind map, college photo or any other type of image, we support them all. You can share them on Facebook, Twitter and any other social media you want just with the click of a button. The whole process is very simple and can be performed by anyone, which is surely great.  .
  Thanx for visiting the BLOG 


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About Wqas Rajpoot

Hello Everyone,Its Wqas here The CEO of this BLOG,I am 16 years old Noble Person,Reason of Blogging to teach and Learn The Knowledge to Stay Uptodate. Thanks
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